Tuesday, January 15, 2013

2012 List #1: "Don't bother"

I have decided to break-up my 2012 year-end list into 3 separate posts. Here is my first list:

An alphabetical list of films I wish I hadn't seen in 2012.

ANNA KARENINA -- I felt like I was watching one very long perfume commercial.
DAMSELS IN DISTRESS -- the worst movie I endured in 2012.
THE HUNGER GAMES -- not a  fan.
HYDE PARK ON HUDSON -- a surprisingly limp effort, given the talented cast (I blame the director and screenwriter)
HYSTERIA--don't you hate it when a film imposes modern sensibilities on characters from the past? (Felicity Jones was great, though)
KILLING THEM SOFTLY . . . killing us softly with a surfeit of arch dialogue.
SALMON FISHING IN THE YEMEN -- what a waste of resources (everybody knows you can't introduce salmon into the Yemen!)
TWO DAYS IN NEW YORK -- Julie Delpy doesn't realize when she's being tiresome.