Thursday, January 31, 2008

I cannot wait any longer!

I have to post my TOP TEN LIST for 2007 before January ends--even though I haven't seen PERSEPOLIS or CHARLIE WILSON's WAR.

First, an overview: this have been the BEST year for movies in at least 3 years! It produced not one, but two memorable lines, "Friendo" & "Whoa...dream big!"

I could have easily flipped five of my 'honorable mentions' into the Top Ten. Nevertheless, in my mind, two films transcended all other movies in 2007 ... but you have to wait until the very end to find out which two!!

It is also encouraging that the critic's lists has been all over the map this year --I've seen very few repeats on anyone's lists. Mine is no exception -- except mine is the definitive list!

So I will start with my new favorite category:

Ambitious Failures:
I have to start with perhaps the most ambitious failure of all time:
I'm Not There - if you want to make a movie about Bob Dylan, make it about Bob Dylan!!
Across the Universe
Inland Empire

3 Worst:
3. Premonition (Sandy, I still love ya!)
1. Goya's Ghosts

ehhh . . . what's the fuss?
Amazing Grace
Away From Her
The Kingdom
Michael Clayton
Rescue Dawn
Year of the Dog

Saw & enjoyed (13):
2 Days in Paris
3:10 to Yuma
Becoming Jane
The Bourne Ultimatum
Elizabeth: The Golden Age
The Golden Compass
Harry Potter 5
Into Great Silence (doc.)
The Jane Austen Book Club
A Mighty Heart
The Savages
Sweeney Todd

Honorable mention (10):
(I had to think of a reason to keep these films out of the Top Ten!)
Before the Devil Knows You're Dead
Control (UK)
The Darjeeling Limited
Into the Wild
Margot at the Wedding
Sicko (doc.)
The Wind That Shakes the Barley (UK)

Top Ten Movies of 2007
10. Gone Baby Gone -- Breach and Zodiac are in a virtual tie for #10, but I have to give it to first-time director Ben Affleck and his love for South Boston.
Lars and the Real Girl
8. The Lives of Others (Germany) - 2006's Oscar winner
Eastern Promises
6. The Diving Bell & the Butterfly (France)
5. La Vie en Rose (France)
4. Once
3. Atonement

. . . and now for the separation from great to awesome!. . .

2. There Will Be Blood -- ambitious movie-making on a grand scale, with a grand performance by Daniel Day-Lewis.

1. No Country For Old Men -- hands down, a brilliant movie. [Don't like the ending? So you think you're a better writer than Cormac McCarthy??]

Now it is on to the Oscars!


  1. Anonymous10:15 AM

    I spent entirely too much time reading this blog and the links to it. "Little miss crapshine"? Shame on you.

  2. You caught that one, did you? I thought I had snuck that past everyone! Keep reading, el jefe ... just not at work!
