Saturday, February 27, 2016

OSCAR Shorts Part II: Live Action Shorts

February 27th --

This category is clearly a two film race, but I will briefly remark on all the nominees:

AVE MARIA -  This supposed 'comedy' about three grossly stereotypical Israeli settlers stranded at a convent in the Arab part of the West Bank as the Sabbath approaches is poorly shot, over-acted, and (oh yes) not funny! How it made the cut boggles the mind.

ALLES WIRD GUT ("Everything will be okay") - Gripping (at first), this story of a divorced father's plans with his unsuspecting 8-year-old daughter (very well-played by Julia ('yoolia') Pointner), builds the tension slowly, but the overlong climax makes you think the filmmaker just didn't know how to end the movie.

DAY ONE (USA) - A story of an Afghan interpreter's first day on the job with a U.S. unit is commendable: good camerawork, production values, acting. The story, however, is a bit melodramatic for my tastes (it could be a dark-horse winner).

Like a well-crafted short story, these next two nominees are perfectly realized: concise, atmospheric, and moving. Of course, I thought the same thing in 2014 with the exceptional French-Chinese entry "Butter Lamp," and it lost! #OscarsSoStupid

STUTTERER (UK) - The  British entry tells the story of a shy, witty introvert who has a way with words online and in his head, but when he tried to verbalize them ... the title says it all. The crisis comes when a longtime online girlfriend wants to meet: the resolution is satisfying and 'sweet' (and no, that is not a put down).

SHOK (Kosovo) - My pick to win the Oscar, hands-down, is this gut-wrenching story from the Serbian war in Kosovo. Two boys' friendship is tested as one tries to do business with the Serbian troops who are occupying his land. The theme of innocence and complicity in an indifferent world is the stuff of great Italian cinema, which this short recalls -- no mean feat in a 30-minute film! The two young leads (Andi Bajgora and Lum Veseli) are naturals (and I assume are non-professionals, like much of the cast). The ending will haunt you -- and I will haunt the Academy of this film doesn't win!! #OscarsSoStupid