Friday, February 22, 2013

Fearless OSCAR Predictions, Part I

I skipped the Best Documentary Shorts program this year (3-1/2 hours of depressing docs? No thanks) in favor of the Animated and Live Action Shorts Programs. NOTE TO ACADEMY: You have got to stop ripping-off the public by padding the 58 minutes of animated films nominated each year with the sub-par filler that fills your 90 minute program so you can charge a separate admission.

Now I feel qualified to pick winners in those two categories, as well as these other awards (that most people miss because they are TALKING during the show! -- pet peeve #1). Feel free to use these in your OSCAR pools!

This is no contest in my mind (even though I have only seen two of the five nominees). I am sure The Gatekeepers, The Invisible War, and How to Survive a Plague are worthy efforts, but there is only one clear choice:
WANT & THINK: Searching for Sugarman

Usually the high gloss of a major studio like Disney is a turn-off to Academy votes -- and me -- but the Best Animated Short this year is Disney's own "Paperman." While I WANT that to win, I think the voters will choose an underdog (Like last year's excellent "The Fantastic Flying Books of Mr Morris Lessmore").
WANT: Paperman
THINK: Adam and Dog (2nd choice: Fresh Guacamole).

Did not see any of them, but unlike the DOC SHORTS category, I'm going to make a prediction!
WANT: Frankenweenie
THINK: Brave

I sincerely hope the voters do not send a message by choosing the Made-in-Afghanistan BUZKASHI BOYS, a sincere but inept and dramatically-inert effort to bring the struggles of Afghani children to a wider audience. The same intention guides the South African film about Somali refugees in ASAD, but the execution (using a similarly non-professional cast)  and light touch make this a clear winner in my book (and it features a cat!). The U.S. indie "Curfew" by Shawn Christensen, is the other worthy film in this category, but it is definitely a long-shot.

I missed the memo that added "Hairstyling" to the roster of Oscar recipients -- if I were a Stuntman, I would REALLY be pissed now! By default, I WANT : HITCHCOCK.
But I THINK the voters will choose the most-UNdeserving nominee of this season (outside of Quvenzhane Wallis (more on that next post) : LES MISERABLES.